Bill's reflections whims propositions and songs
Jan 22, 2018
a whale a whale a whale a whale a whale of a wailing song
a whale a whale a whale a whale a whale of a wailing song
a plot doth boil bubble brew
have run askew
they know not these things they do
to innocents of the great blue
they stake their right to wrong
a wail a wail a thousand souls
oil spills black across the shoals
thirteen monsters pale pale white
alarmed now armed engage their might
to fight to right this wrong
a whale a whale a whale a whale a whale of a wailing song
a whale a whale a whale a whale a whale of a wailing song
the great blue turns black as ink
life itself upon the brink
plotters ears failing failing
never hear the wailing wailing
a whale a whale a whale a whale a whale of a wailing song
a whale a whale a whale a whale a whale of a wailing song
pale pale white of the deep
know faith
see hope
with love
they leap
swim the darkness lungs on fire
thar they blow till they expire
white to black to right this wrong
oh that spray of thirteen monsters
rose clear to sun above the waters
thirteen sink black deep in blue
thirteen did what they could do
fight to right the wrong
right to fight this wrong
a whale a whale a whale a whale a whale of a wailing song
a whale a whale a whale a whale a whale of a wailing son
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