Bill works as an artist, creative director, and intellectual capital provider. He employs art to deliver mighty solutions thru a plethora of vehicles purposed to the integration of visual, audio, edible, touchable, aromatic, and intergalactic expressions. These expressions are dedicated to engage compatible, curious and contrasting sensory receptacles. Bill services individuals, corporations, institutions and public spaces. He dissolves existing and imagined barriers between guests, hosts, and art, all in the persistent pursuit of pleasurable activities.

Recognized in the events industry for his one-on-one collaborative style, Bill has a profound understanding of the importance of each person involved in his projects. He treasures the personal relationships he has built through the years, believing that work is the best way to share time with someone.

wonder: a tale of self emancipation wonder tunes are in listening order under albums reposts at w.e.b. repost MUSICIANS WONDER w. e. bartolotta - tunesmith - vocal: lead + backup - instrument: keyboards - percussion Michael Konopka thundertone audio = - engineer - producer - instrument: acoustic guitars - bass - electric guitars - mandolin - percussion- violin - vocal: backup Workindamojo + Wonder Nic Barnum - special guest: Waiting - Jealousy - No Excuse - Our Love - Wonder - instrument: acoustic guitars - bass - electric guitars - vocal: backup Wonder Trish Ramsey - special guest: Waiting - Washing My Hat - Workindamojo - Wonder - instrument: percussion PEOPLE GET READY - CURTIS MAYFIELD COVER w. e. bartolotta = vocals elliot delman = all instruments mike konopka = mastering WHEN FIRST HE HEARD THE CAWING w.e. bartolotta = copy and voice dave carlson = producer matt lejeune = engineer library = music

excerpt from a tale

he wondered
when time is not now
time is always now
why is
be here now
so difficult


events reel

sing sing sing (sing = password)

sing sing sing (sing = password)

tomorrow (sbiz = password)

tomorrow (sbiz = password)

grace (grace = password)

grace (grace = password)

white sands (grace = password)

white sands (grace = password)

when he first heard the cawing  (grace = password)

when he first heard the cawing (grace = password)


elise lane = composer

sean karemaker = artist

bill bartolotta = prose + voice